Friday, May 18, 2007

TM is an official 1st grader!

This is my youngest grandson, thus far. He graduated from kindergarten May 17, 2007. My son (his daddy) and I attended the ceremony at the elementary school. The kindergarteners wore their caps and gowns, complete with "07" tassels. The background music was "Pomp and Circumstances" as the tiny grads' procession entered the gym from outside and continued until every grad was seated. The seating for the spectators was limited to the small bleachers on one side of the gym. Many parents, grandparents and other family members quickly filled the bleachers to watch 6 different kindergarten classes graduate. I sat on the bottom step of the designated walkway of the bleachers and my son sat on the gym floor directly in front of me. I could easily rest my arms on his back and did so as i realized I was watching my youngest watching his youngest graduate----even tho it was only into the first grad, my heart was warmed. The designated keynote speaker read aloud the book, _I"ll Love You Forever_ and that was the end of my composure. I had bought and read that book to my sons years ago.
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Joyismygoal said...

awwww so sweet

taram said...

That's truly a watch YOUR youngest watchin HIS youngest - BUT he's not your youngest grandson, by far.....